We were honored this Spring to serve the season opening tailgate party to kick off the 100th year of football in Saskatchewan. This was a party held at the Saskatchewan Science Centre for team management, local dignitaries, and mayors from across Saskatchewan. 150 people enjoyed pulled pork, BBQ chicken, apple cider slaw, our famous pit beans and fresh buns. It was the night before the first game of the season so not a lot of players were hanging out but there were certainly a few familiar faces! We had a blast and may have gotten more complements on the food that night than any event prior to this one... It was an awesome day.
Cooking in beautiful Wascana Park right right between the SSC and the lake:
Some familiar faces moving through the end of the buffet line
Well this reflection is long overdue... With a little over a week to go until our first comp of 2010, a quick look back is in order. 2009 was a remarkable year, and honestly we may never top it. Out of 4 Canadian events - to win 3 of them and place Reserve in the 4th, well it's just plain unlikely that sort of track record can be sustained! There are a lot of good cooks up here and I have a feeling the competitors out there have been quietly cooking, scheming, and planning to come out on top in 2010! We have a pretty ambitious schedule - 9 competitions planned for this year. I don't know if we'll make all of them but we're sure going to try. I have been cooking all winter... not nearly as much competition practice as the prior winter, but enough to nail down a few things I questioned 6 months ago.
Now... looking back: I pulled all the bling out for one picture back in January. It's pretty hard to believe this is all for a first year team from Saskatchewan!!! I worked hard to gear up for 2009 and dammit I'm gonna show it off!!! <<<>>>
And here are the results:
PNWBA Year End Results:
1st Place Overall, Chicken Category
Canadian Total Point Champion
American Royal Invitational, Kansas City, MO October 2009 * Top International Team American Royal Open, Kansas City, MO October 2009 * Top International Team
BBQ on the Bow (Alberta Championships), Calgary, AB Sept 2009 * Grand Champion * 1st Place Ribs * 2nd Place Brisket * 1st Place Chicken
Manitoba Open BBQ Championships, Morden, MB August 2009 * Reserve Grand Champion * 1st Place Ribs * 2nd Place Pork * 4th Place Brisket * 1st Place Chicken
Smoke on the Water, Saskatoon, SK July 2009 * Grand Champion * 1st Place Ribs * 2nd Place Pork * 1st Place Brisket * 1st Place Chicken
Pile of Bones BBQ (Western Can. BBQ Championships) Regina, SK July 2009 * Grand Champion * 3rd Place Ribs * 1st Place Pork * 1st Place Chicken * 3rd Place Brisket
What an awesome weekend... seriously. The weather was beautiful and warm, our guests were enthusiastic and actually interested in what we had to say! We had two classes sold out, 25 students each. Regina is serious about BBQ! We covered all the basics of cooking the 4 competition meats - pork butt, beef brisket, pork ribs, and chicken. We talked about cookers, rubs, sauces, and slathers. We even chowed down on some of our grub. We didn't leave anyone in the "Meatal" position (Thanks Brian for that one...) but people were definitely moving a bit slower by the end of the afternoon! Students were able to take home some product (sauces, rubs, etc) from each of the instructors to get started right away. I heard from one attendee who cooked the best chicken ever the next day... All it took was indirect heat, brining, House of Q "House Rub", and Apple Butter sauce. Easy stuff.
Talking about smokers...
The meats for the weekend were provided by Butcher Boy Meats on Park St - these guys are my primary source for competition and catering and the service is second to none.
Special thanks to Savour Life Magazine for presenting the classes!
Finally, a big Thanks must go out to Brian Misko from Vancouver's House of Q for making the long trek across half of the country to help teach the class. It was interesting (having never cooked with one another) to discover our different philosophies and opinions on everything... live in front of a class. Fortunately it just helped us communicate that there is no single best way to do this stuff... it's really just about putting meat on the fire, with indirect heat, and waiting for the delicious results.
Tasty lookin' chicken on the Louisiana Grill
Finally, a look at the CTV news clip, which was played across Canada.
Interest in real BBQ is growing.... I know it. People are asking questions, people are inquiring about this crazy hobby. TLC's BBQ Pitmasters has opened all sorts of eyes and people want in! Even in the last place you'd expect it - Saskatchewan.
All winter I pondered... wondered if there would be enough interest in a true, Southern-style BBQ class. As Spring approached, I became more conviced to give it a whirl. I started scouting locations and supporters. Then I found out that a friend and fellow competitor was thinking about coming to the land of Flat, and an idea was born. Why not team up? In fact... Brian Misko of House of Q has taught this class before, has tons of experience teaching and presenting 'Q, he's the perfect candidate to lead the class. Hundreds of satisfied students can't be wrong! So lead he will, but make no mistake - 7 years of cooking low 'n slow, combined with a BBQ Competition record that leaves our team with a target on its back going into 2010... I have plenty to say and contribute. And I'm itching to do it! House of Q and Prairie Smoke & Spice are teaming up to bring our combined experience to the people of Regina.
I've always done what I could to get people cooking, to promote this 'alternate lifestyle' if you will... but this is an awesome opportunity to share this passion.
So after a week of opening registration, we have filled the first class of 25 people. A second class will be opened up tomorrow, and there are already a dozen people on the waiting list. This response is phenomenal! We are so excited to spread the word and get people excited about real BBQ! Class information is at www.prairiebbq.com/events.html
And now, on a completely different tangent, we present a chocolate bourbon (actually a chocolate JACK pecan pie) This was cooked on the Traeger a couple weeks ago; 20 degrees below outside at the time.